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Scientists to develop 'warm machines' capable of reading people's mind

성수 최 2009-04-09 View. 5,494

POSTECH Prof. Kim Dae-jin's team develops technology able to read four facial expressions of humans
'To focus on development of human sensing technology to improve quality of elderly people's lives'

Scientists to develop 'warm machines' capable of reading people's mind
It will be not long before a machine read your facial expression and mind. A team of researchers led by Prof. Kim Dae-jin at Pohang University of Science and Technology (President Baik Sung-gi) said it developed a technology that is capable of reading four different facial expressions of humans, including joy, anger, and surprise.

Kim's team developed the technology that reads facial expressions through "feature points" of expressional changes. A test involving 20 people demonstrated 88 percent in accuracy of recognition of four minute facial expressions.

Notably, the new technology allows the machine to automatically recognize minute facial expressions of humans, as it adopts "motion magnification" technology, unlike the conventional technology that is capable of only recognizing extreme facial expressions. Hence, the new technology is drawing keen attention.

Prof. Kim's team plans to use the technology in improving the quality of life for the elderly and the disabled. By analyzing moves and behaviors of elderly shut-ins and the handicapped and understanding their intent, the team plans to develop advanced technology than can be applied to robots, among other devices.

To this end, Prof. Kim's team is conducting the research jointly with a research team led by Prof. Takeo Kanade, a world authority in robotics vision at the Robotics Institute in Carnegie Mellon University in the United Sates, with financial support from the World Class University (WCU) program of Korea's Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

The technology for facial scanning and recognition and facial expression recognition developed by Prof. Kim's team has been transferred to Samsung Electronics. The technology will be adopted to Samsung's mobile handsets, including Omnia and Haptic phones, and digital cameras.

Meanwhile, the British public scientific magazine, New Scientist, recently introduced Prof. Kim's research in an article, saying that it will not be long before a machine will read facial expressions of humans, how ever minute expressions are.


Kim Yosep
joesmy at

[April 09, 2009]
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