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President of ACTS visited KISTI

PR KISTI 2012-01-18 View. 7,467

KISTI has welcomed Mr.Lee Hyo-jeong, President of ACTS(Daejeon Agency of Advanced Cutural
Technologies and Service) and his visiting group on Jan.10th at its head office located in Daejeon.
ACTS was built as the agency of Daejeon city in 2007 to promote medial industry and cultural events in Daejeon city.

Mr.Lee,President of ACTS was given a brief introduction of KISTI R&D activities and had a field trip
to KISTI supercomputing center. After that, Dr. Dr.Park Young-seo, President of KISTI and Mr.Lee
had a discussion on mutual cooperation for supporitng media industry with KISTI supercomputer.
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