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Dr.Kim Jaesoo interview with Money Today "Agile is the answer to Digital Transformation"

박한철 2021-05-04 View. 364,851

"In the era of digital transformation, speed is vital. Rather than dragging one big project with elaboration, we need to proceed with an 'Agile' approach  that s 10 projects and gets one of them to success." In an interview with Money Today on April 29, Dr.Kim said, "The digital transformation is proceeding faster than expected, and we are going to introduce an agile strategy in all fields such as R&D and administration." The interview was held at the site of the Money Today global conference '2021 Key Platform'  held at the Conrad Hotel in Seoul on the subject of 'Dismantling the Group: Internalization of adaptive execution' on the 28th and 30th of last month.

KISTI is a specialized research institute that provides science and technology knowledge information for industry-academia-research researchers based on supercomputing and data analysis technology, and supports corporate technology commercialization. Data is the beginning and end of work.


Dr.Kim who took office on March 23, emphasizes “proper timing” and  “capability"' the most. As it is an institution that deals with data called crude oil in the 4th industrial revolution and digital age, it should not be left behind the trend of the times.


Dr.Kim said, "As the public sector emphasizes accuracy and stability, it is inevitable to be cautious when making certain plans, but considering too much time often lead to bad result“. He also said "The digital age is an era of creativity and adventure, so public institutions shouldn't work the old way."


“KISTI’s customer service would be somewhat insufficient at first, but we will focus more on providing the necessary data in a timely manner and persuade customers.” “Customer could complain about the service, but now we are not afraid of such a thing,” he emphasized.


The change has already begun. Dr.Kim is introducing an agile strategy in all areas of KISTI work, including administration, planning, policy, and research projects. For example, He ed the '3 · 3 · 3 Talk' right after his inauguration. It is a program in which the President and employees communicate face to face on the third and third days of the month at 3:00 pm without a set subject.


Dr.Kim said, "In the past, it would have taken several months for the department in charge to plan the program, obtain approval from the top, and modify the program in order to have time to communicate with the staff." "If only the picture comes out, I'll try to run it," he said.


Dr.Kim suggested 'Changing the world with Data' as KISTI vision. KISTI will celebrates its 60th anniversary next year. He said, "People who have data in the past, people who know where the data is after that, people who use data well now are the best." and “Data should be focused on its utilization,” he said.


He cited the example of the flood prevention project with Incheon Metropolitan City. "In the past, building a levee around the area where there was a lot of flooding was all, but analyzing the meteorological model with big data and artificial intelligence, and opening the structure of the sewage pipe will come up with a new alternative." “I am trying to contribute to creating a happy and joyful world with data-driven solution” he said.


KISTI is also actively fostering data companies. Dr.Kim plans to upgrade ASTI, a window for supporting small and medium-sized business technology commercialization, to DX(Digital Transformation) ASTI(Association of Science and Technology Information). KISTI is focused on strengthening the digital capabilities of companies.


Dr.Kim said, "KISTI will provide technology consulting services so that companies can accumulate and manage data well and support them to develop their innovative growth capabilities." and “"Our goal is to make data unicorn companies appear among the companies we have supported."



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