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Mr. Cédric O, French Secretary of State for the Digital Transition and Electronic Communications visited KISTI

이정훈 2021-11-22 View. 229,261

Mr. Cedric O, French Secretary of State

for the Digital Transition and Electronic Communications visited KISTI

- Discussed Cooperation with KISTI in Digital Transition -

 On Nov. 18th, Mr. Cedric O, Secretary of State for the Digital Transition and Electronic Communications of France has visited Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information(President KIM Jaesoo, hereafter referred to as KISTI) to discuss mutual cooperation of science and technology institutes of both countries in the field of Digital Transition.

 State Secretary Cedric O has worked as an assistant for digital economy to President Emmanuel Macron since 2017 and took the office of the Secretary of State in charge of digital in 2019. He is currently serving as State Secretary of Digital Transition and Electronic Communications. He has interest in digital transition, electronic information and communication networks, and collaboration with SMEs and showed strong interest in cooperation with Korea in these areas.

 KISTI is providing national science and technology data platforms such as ScienceON and NTIS, and has the national supercomputer No. 5 Nurion with a performance of 25.7 PetaFlops. As a national science and technology information institution based on such science and technology infrastructure and data, KISTI is contributing to the creation of a national data ecosystem by building a science and technology data dam for the digital new deal as well as domestic and foreign science and technology information.

 Dr. Kim Jaesoo, President of KISTI while mentioning the cooperation with the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) and the French Institute of Science and Technology Information (INIST), has emphasized the importance of global cooperation of S&T information organizations of both countries.


 State Secretary Cedric O also mentioned the need for cooperation and exchange for the sustainable development of the two countries in the digital field based on excellent infrastructure, and proposed to expand coordination at the working level between representative organizations.

 President Kim Jaesoo said, “The wave of the great digital transition is innovating all structures of our society, and this is spreading all over the world. In this context, we will further strengthen cooperation with French specialized organizations to carry out our mission of being the country's chief scientific and technological data officer (CDO)."

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