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KISTI Signs MOU with the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to Build S&T Data Infrastructure

이정훈 2024-06-13 View. 4,077

KISTI Signs MOU with the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to Build S&T Data Infrastructure
- Establishing a Foundation for Collaborative Research on the Utilization of S&T Data through HPC Infrastructure and NTIS Development -

 The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI, President Kim Jae-soo) announced that on June 12, it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, BRIN) in Indonesia to jointly build science and technology data infrastructure.
   * BRIN was established in 2021 by merging several national research institutions in Indonesia. It is an independent agency directly under the President, with the authority to plan national research and development policies and allocate budgets to support Indonesia's research and innovation.

 Through this MOU, KISTI and BRIN have laid the groundwork for collaborative research on the utilization of science and technology data, which includes ▲ research on the establishment and utilization of science and technology knowledge infrastructure, ▲ research on the development and utilization of supercomputing/HPC infrastructure, ▲ research on big data, AI, and computing technologies, including data exchange, ▲ development and utilization of scientific research networks and cybersecurity, and ▲ collaboration on human resources, equipment, data, and other related resources.

 Laksana Tri Handoko, Head of the Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, stated, “Through this MOU with KISTI, we have gained an opportunity to learn data utilization know-how, including supercomputing and NTIS operation. I hope this will be a stepping stone to further enhance Indonesia's scientific and technological competitiveness.”

 KISTI President Kim Jae-soo remarked, “This MOU will serve as a foundation for science and technology collaboration with Indonesia through the expansion of KISTI's research and development capabilities in science and technology data, based on KISTI’s supercomputing infrastructure and NTIS development and operation technologies. It will also present a new opportunity to elevate South Korea's scientific and technological stature on the global stage.”

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