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  • 082009. 01
    Opening ceremony for the year of 2009 image
    No. 4 View. 5896

    Opening ceremony for the year of 2009

    KISTI held the opening ceremony for the year of 2009 at its main office on Jan.2nd. Dr. PARK YOUNG SEO,President has complimented KISTI staff for their contribution and research performances for 2008. At his speech, Dr.Park also opened strategic plan for 2009. He emphasised the importance of trust management for solidarity
  • 132008. 11
    The 3rd Korea-Vietnam workshop on information support for SMEs image
    No. 3 View. 6592

    The 3rd Korea-Vietnam workshop on information support for SMEs

    KISTI organized the 3rd international workshop in Hanoi,Vietnam on Nov.4-5. The workshop was held in cooperation with NACESTI, which is the national S&T information center under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam. This workshop aimed to provide researchers and administrators working for science and technology of Vietnam with up-to-dated technology and knowledge on cyberinfrastructure R&D environment. KISTI researchers from information analysis division, knowledge information center, information technology development division, supercomputing center, e-Science division introduced their research performance and future high-tech trend they will pursuit in the future.
  • 252008. 01
    The CERN Executive Director visited KISTI image
    No. 2 View. 5828

    The CERN Executive Director visited KISTI

    Dr. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the European Organization for Nuclear Research(CERN) Executive Director, visited KISTI on January 22, 2010. The object of this visit was to promote mutual cooperation and exchange information between KISTI and CERN.Dr. Kim Joong-kwon, the KISTI Vice President, and Dr. Lee Jy-soo, the Director of KISTI Supercomputing center, greeted him and had a discussion on cooperation issues on collaborative research using supercomputers. After the meeting, he had the time to take a look around KISTI's facilities. During the visit, Dr. Heuer showed considerable interest in the work of KISTI, and he was hopeful that KISTI and CERN promote mutual cooperation on data sharing and developing software for the researchers.
  • 252008. 01
    KISTI Held the Opening Ceremony for the Year of 2010 image
    No. 1 View. 5718

    KISTI Held the Opening Ceremony for the Year of 2010

    The KISTI employees gathered at its headoffice in Daejeon to start the New Year 2010 to promote a sense of community among the employees. President, Park Young-seo, complimented KISTI staffs for their contribution and research performance for last year. He then suggested "Creation of the World's best Intelligent Information" as strategic plan for New Year.
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