Vol.11 No.4
최나은 2024-07-10 View. 9,510Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
Quarterly / 2287-9099(pISSN) / 2287-4577(eISSN)
Volume 11 No.4
Table of Contents
▶ Title : Media Dependency and Public Skepticism in Authoritarian States: Discursive Trends in Disseminating Information about COVID-19 in Iran
- Author : Alireza Azeri Matin
- Keywords : COVID-19, Iranian mainstream media, ideology, media system dependency
- DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2023.11.4.1
▶ Title : Digital Forensics Investigation Approaches in Mitigating Cybercrimes: A Review
- Author : Abdullahi Aminu Kazaure, Aman Jantan, Mohd Najwadi Yusoff
- Keywords : cybercrime, digital investigation, forensic investigation, mobile forensics, SM forensics, literature review
- DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2023.11.4.2
▶ Title : Publication Metrics and Subject Categories of Biomechanics Journals
- Author : Duane Victor Knudson
- Keywords : citation, field, impact, ranking, research, searching
- DOI :10.1633/JISTaP.2023.11.4.3
▶ Title : Essential Competencies for Digital Workforce of Provincial Office in Thailand Using Delphi Technique
- Author : Rujira Rikharom, Wirapong Chansanam
- Keywords : Delphi technique, essential digital competency, digital workforce, government organization, provincial office in Thailand
- DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2023.11.4.4
▶ Title : One Hundred Scopus Citations to a Non-Scopus Indexed Article: A Case Study
- Author : Bakthavachalam Elango
- Keywords : bibliometrics, hundred citations, single-article, highly-cited articles, Scopus, sleeping beauty
- DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2023.11.4.5
▶ Title : Social Media Stickiness in the Z Generation: A Study Based on the Uses and Gratifications Theory
- Author : Saiful Hoque, Md. Alamgir Hossain
- Keywords : uses and gratifications motivations, emotional attachment, social presence, social media stickiness
- DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2023.11.4.6
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